Frames/second Readout as a Bookmarklet

This is a very simple FPS counter – it's meant to be used as a quick way to get a feel for the runtime performance of a given website. It timestamps every animation frame and averages over the last 60 frames – and it should be fast enough to not pollute the readings significantly.

To test it out, just click the button below and watch the lower right-hand side corner. To “install” it, just drag the button below to your bookmarks toolbar.

FPS Readout

Once the link is in your bookmarks bar, load up some horribly bloated site and click it - it should give you a frames/second readout at the bottom right corner of the screen like on this page. If it doesn't read around 60 (which is where the framerate is capped in most browsers), you're allowed one scoff. And then you have to write “This could've just as easily been my site” in your terminal 100 times without the use of a scripting language. Be humble, performance doesn't come easy.

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